Monday, April 26, 2010

Assignment for Communications

I have to post this blog for my communications assignment:
This is all the ways I use the internet:
1. finding information
2. I am a hypochondriac, so looking up symptoms for something
3. programming my DVR from another location
4. Watching TV (
5. college classes
6. Porn? j/k maybe.
7. buying stuff
8. I recently educated myself on keeping chickens in my backyard, my next project
9. Looking up caloric values
10. Looking up exercises for weight lifting
11. Checking out craigslist for free building materials for my chick coops
12. recipes
13. converting recipes
14. looking up the dosage of medications for children
15. reading the news
16. buying music
17. reading books
18. socializing with my friends
19. coordinating with my church
20. planning chores for my family
21. banking
22. budgeting
23. planning for our future
24. coupons
25. reserving tickets for opening night at the movies
26. facebook, myspace, twitter
27. to complain about bad service
28. to look up professors on
29. to reserve classes
30. to shop for cars
31. to shop for a house
32. to get ratings on consumer products
33. navigating to places
34. email
35. calendar / appointments
36. dictionary/thesaurus/encyclopedia
38. political movements
39. netflix
40. party planning
41. I recently found a site associated with where you can put in the dimensions of a room including windows and doors and then rearrange your furniture in the room. Saves my husband a lot of backbreaking work.
42. video games
43. inviting people to parties
44. Hosting virtual tupperware parties
45. Running my business
46. Keeping in touch with my customers
47. Sending cards to people (
48. Address book
49. reading the first 20 pages of a book to decide if I want to buy it (
50. tracking packages (ups or fedex)
51. job hunting
52. looking for a new pet
53. looking at movie reviews
54. sharing pictures with family members
55. staying in touch with my daughters teacher at school through the school website
56. keeping up with the weather
57. Grocery shopping
58. figuring out how to do just about anything (I recently watched video on youtube to tell me how to seperate a ball joint on a Ford car.)
59. blogging
60. Making money

This list could go on forever. The internet is literally part of my brains functionality. I was without internet for a week once when the service was down, and I was so lost. I literally could not function in my day to day capacity without it.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's a real life Hello Kitty House...

All I can say is... wow.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

We just watched Slumdog Millionaire and it was an EXCELLENT movie. It was so thought provoking, heart wrenching, and inspirational. It is about a boy who lives in the slums of India and gets an off chance at becoming rich on a game show. He knows the answers to the questions on the game show and people are shocked that a boy from the slums could answer the questions. The sad part is that he only knows the answers because of the Hell that he has been through. He is about to have everything he ever dreams of but he has to relive the Hell he has been through in order to answer the questions. It is sickening that most people do not even realize the level of poverty that the people of India live in, but this movie is really eye opening to what it is like. You should all really see this movie. It is so humbling and beautiful. It also will give you an idea of what the call centers are like there. People get so upset about outsourcing, but the fact is that the country is so impoverished and this is it's chance to end the poverty and really grow into an industrialized nation. I loved this movie and definitely recommend it. Do not watch it if your kids are in the room! You can also stream it immediately from Amazon if you want to watch it right now.


I love when my kids first wake up and they are so loving and friendly and cute. There is nothing sweeter than when Canyon, my 3 year old, comes out of the bedroom with his hair standing on end and his face with creases from the bed and he smiles and says in his sweetest voice "Goodmorning Mommy." My heart just melts.
My daughter loves to snuggle in my bed in the morning and will just shower you in kisses... this is what it is all about. So sweet...

Thursday, July 9, 2009


So here is the start of my blog. Nothing new going on here. Canyon just got out of time out for kicking Bailey but nothing else new going on right now. In 5 minutes I am sure that will change... :)